
We're working on transportation solutions together!

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

Coordinated Transportation Plans

What these plans are: 

A locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan (“coordinated plan”) identifies the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, seniors, and people with low incomes; provides strategies for meeting those local needs; and prioritizes transportation services and projects for funding and implementation.

A locally developed coordinated plan provides a unified regional strategy for transportation services to the region’s most sensitive population groups, including older adults, individuals with disabilities, and persons with limited means, among other recognized transportation-disadvantaged population groups.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) continues to require a locally developed coordinated public transit human services transportation plan that is developed through a process that includes the participation of older adults and individuals with disabilities as well as transportation planning agencies, public and private transportation providers, non-profit transportation providers, human services providers, other government agencies that administer programs such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Workforce Investment Act, and Agency on Aging programs, and participation by the public.

Coordination Meetings

Meetings are held throughout Oklahoma for transportation coordination enhancements and to improve connectivity. Click on the information below to learn more about coordination meetings.

Statewide Regions

View this PDF to learn more about the five regions in Oklahoma and where to sign up for meetings.

View 2025 Meeting Schedule PDF


The Oklahoma City urbanized area meets quarterly with various transportation providers. Visit the EMBARK 5310 Program webpage for meeting information.

Visit OKC's Meeting Page

Tulsa UZA

The Tulsa urbanized area and transportation management area meet regularly for 5310 program management. Visit the INCOG website for more information.

Visit the INCOG 5310 Webpage

Previous Plans from 2020-present

The previous plans were based on a prior regional map this is no longer the regional planning lines. Here is an image of the previous regional map.

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