Public transit is a fundamental part of the overall transportation system in Oklahoma connecting people to jobs, healthcare, education, shopping, recreation, and services.
For people who cannotdrive, public transit provides critical mobility and access. For others, public transit provides options: it may be more reliable, more efficient, safer, or more affordable than driving alone.
Public Transit
-general public
Tribal Transit
-tribal members and the public
Specialized Transportation
-seniors and individuals with disabilities
Explore Transportation Options in Oklahoma
Looking for Public Transit Information?
ODOT has a new map that identifies public transportation and mobility management program information in each county of Oklahoma.
Click on your county to find out more.
*Do not zoom local or type in zip code- this map can only provide county -level information.
Still need help?Click hereto find your local mobility management program.
The primary goal of this project is to increase mobility management services to rural residents in Oklahoma Counties.
Mobility management is a transportation strategy that focuses on meeting community needs through the coordinated use of a variety of transportation providers including public transit, private operators, cycling and walking, volunteer drivers, and others.